Legal Information


Cookies are small files or devices of general use that are installed in the user's browser in order to store, retrieve or update data. They allow the operator of a website to know the preferences of users when browsing their website and to personalise the services offered based on these preferences. 

In our BrandCenter we use our own cookies that allow us to carry out usage analysis and measurement to ensure that our website works correctly and to improve our services.


Types of cookies 

Depending on their purpose, cookies can be:

Technical cookies: these are necessary for browsing. Without them the page would not work properly (cookies of the "user input" for online shopping baskets, multimedia player session, etc.). 

Personalisation or configuration cookies: these allow the website to recognise the user's language, font size, etc. 

Security cookies: prevent or hinder attacks against the website or its users. 

Analysis cookies: these allow us to measure user activity and compile browsing statistics. 

Advertising cookies: manage the frequency and content of advertisements.

Behavioural advertising cookies: store information about users in order to show them personalised advertising. 


In particular, the following cookies are used in BrandCenter:

PHPSESSID: This cookie is native to PHP and allows the website to store serialised status data. On this website it is used to establish user sessions by passing status data through a temporary cookie also known as a session cookie. When the user logs out or the session expires this cookie and all the information it contains is deleted.

UserBrands: This cookie is technical and allows the application to store the information of the brands selected during browsing. Like the previous one, it is deleted when the user logs out or the session expires.

Cookie_consent: This is a technical cookie. It will be generated for all those users who accept the BrandCenter cookie policy. It will have a duration of 1 year. 


Controlling the use of cookies 

If you wish to delete cookies that are already set on your terminal, you can do so from your browser. You can find out how to do this by going to your browser's help menu where the steps for deleting cookies are set out. For more information: 

Internet Explorer: 

Mozilla Firefox: 

Google Chrome: 




By browsing and continuing on the BrandCenter, you consent to the use of the described cookies.

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